Key statistics in trucking explain current trends in the industry. Understanding these metrics should help guide drivers and trucking companies as they work to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the transportation industry.
Understanding the job outlook for truck drivers starts with the empirical data contained below.
How Many Truck Drivers are In The United States?
The ongoing truck driver shortage begs the question: how many truckers are there in America? The number of drivers stands at 3.54 million, according to data compiled during 2022 by the American Trucking Associations. Yet even with an unprecedented amount of drivers available, the United States still has a historic shortage of roughly 80,000 truckers. Many believe the problem is only going to get worse.
TheAmerican Trucking Associations (ATA) estimates the driver shortage could surpass 160,000 as soon as 2030. Their forecast analyzes current trends like driver demographics and expected freight growth to predict future industry dynamics.
For example, truckers are older than other workers on average, with a median age of 46 for truckers compared to 41 for all workers. Due to factors such as an aging workforce, high turnover rates, and the demanding nature of the job, the industry has struggled to attract and retain qualified drivers. This shortage has led to increased competition for drivers, driving up wages and benefits in an effort to attract and retain talent.
While many factors fuel the issue, there’s no singular cause or solution. The ATA claims, “The solution to the truck driver shortage will most certainly require increased pay, regulatory changes, and modifications to shippers’, receivers’ and carriers’ business practices to improve conditions for drivers.”
Trucker Salaries
With more truckers in the United States than ever before, you might be concerned that wages are deflated because the market is oversaturated with drivers. That’s not the case. Even though there has never been more drivers than right now, trucking remains a stable and lucrative career path because of the industry’s inability to fill open positions and accommodate growing employment needs with qualified truckers.
In 2023, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers’ median pay was $54,320 per year, or $26.12 per hour. Average yearly income for a truck driver is above the national annual wage for all workers, which is slightly lower at $48,068. Trucker pay has skyrocketed in recent years. Four years prior in 2019, truckers’ median pay was $3,764 below the national median. In 2023, it’s more than $6,200 above it.
Factors Driving the Growth of the Trucking Industry
Growth in the trucking industry is fueled by a variety of factors. One of the primary drivers is the rise of e-commerce and the increasing demand for efficient logistics and delivery services. As more consumers turn to online shopping, the need for reliable and timely transportation of goods has become paramount, fueling the demand for truck drivers.
Another key factor contributing to the growth of the trucking industry is the ongoing shift towards just-in-time inventory management. Businesses across various sectors are increasingly relying on efficient supply chain logistics to reduce costs and improve responsiveness to customer demands. This shift has led to a greater need for truck drivers to transport goods quickly and efficiently, ensuring that products are delivered to their destination on time.
What is the Job Outlook for Truck Drivers?
BLS projects that trucking employment will grow 6% by 2030, suggesting a bright job outlook for drivers. Nearly 250,000 additional job openings for heavy and tractor-trailer drivers are expected to be available each year over the next decade.
Both the current market and the job outlook for truckers suggest competent drivers will continue to have their choosing of vacant trucking job postings, given the increasing demand for drivers paralleled with workers leaving the industry or retiring from the workforce. As the economy continues to grow and consumer demand for goods increases, the need for efficient and reliable transportation will only continue to rise, fueling the demand for skilled truck drivers.
These U.S. Census demographics statistics paint the truck driving landscape compared to the rest of the workforce:
- Truck driving is largely a male dominated field, with over 90% of truck driving jobs held by men.
- As previously mentioned, the average trucker (46) is older than the average worker (41).
- Only 7% of truckers have a bachelor’s degree, meaning most truckers enjoy wages above the national average without facing America’s crippling student loan debt crisis.
- Trucking has an unemployment rate of 4.1%, lower than the national unemployment of 5.3%
- Truckers are less likely to be covered by health insurance than other workers (15% of truckers are uninsured versus 10% for all workers).
- Almost half of truck drivers work more than 40 hours per week. Only about a quarter of workers in general labor work more than 40 hours per week.
- More than 10% of truckers are veterans — double the rate of the workforce at large.
- Average payroll per employee is highest in the long-distance industry ($48,920), slightly lower in specialized trucking businesses ($46,084), and lowest among local freight haulers ($42,203).
Hauling Statistics
As a whole, the transportation system in the United States hauls over $2 billion worth of freight each day. Truck driving remains king, as shown by economic and industry data.
- By weight, trucks move 72.5% of freight in the United States, a total of 10.23 billion tons in 2020.
- By value, 80.4% of the nation’s freight bill is transported by truck, a total of $732.3 billion in 2020.
- Freight railroads, the next largest transporter, only haul about 10% of those figures.
- 37.9 million trucks are registered for business purposes, making up 23.9% of all registered trucks.
- In 2019, registered trucks travelled a compiled distance of 300.05 billion miles and paid $48.6 billion in taxes for federal and state highways.
- Truckers use 45.6 billion gallons of fuel on an annual basis, 36.5 billion gallons of diesel fuel and 9.1 billion gallons of gasoline.
- The U.S. Department of Transportation reports there are 996,894 for-hire carriers on file with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
- Of these companies, 97.4% operate 20 or fewer trucks and 91.5% operate fewer than 6 trucks.
The promising future of trucking
The job outlook for truckers suggests it's a great time for those considering a career in the trucking industry. As the industry continues to evolve, the role of truck drivers will become increasingly important, and those who possess the necessary skills, training, and commitment to safety will be in high demand.
By embracing the opportunities that the trucking industry offers, aspiring truck drivers can embark on a career that is both financially and personally rewarding, with the potential for long-term growth and success.
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