Driver Recruiting Happy Hour Podcast
Greg Iverson Turns the Tables on Darin and Matt
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The Driver Recruiting Happy Hour Podcast sits down with Greg Iverson, Director of Recruiting at Koch Trucking. Greg shares a scotch, talks about his association with the Shriners, while Beach covets his fez, yodels, and talks snowmen in Chattanooga. You can't make this stuff up.
Today's Guest: Greg Iverson - Director of Driver Recruiting, Koch Trucking
Greg has spent 30+ years in the Driver Recruiting niche of trucking, including time on both sides of the carrier – vendor relationship. He started his career in trucking with TFE, Inc. in 1993 and has served in a management role with recruiting duties since 2004.
He is currently the Director of Recruiting at Koch Trucking, a privately-owned Minnesota-based trucking company operating a fleet of over 800 tractors and 2,000 trailers.
Cheers everybody. Welcome to the Recruit and Retain Happy Hour edition. My name is Darin Williams. I am the president of CDLjobs.com. And I'd like to introduce you to my co-host the president of Ten Four recruiting and a nationally ranked amateur yodeler Matt Beach. Beach, Yodel for us.
Close as that is, that is actually so that's a zinger, but I can do two things. I can somewhat Yodel and I can do a Turkey call without a call.
Well, we heard a goat earlier. That is actually really good. I don't like giving you compliments and that is really good.
[Yodel sounds ]
Greg Iverson:
That's A good, a wild Turkey. It was a wild Turkey coming across the street. You just turned around, turn around.
Was it? It's a good Turkey call?
Did, did the wild Turkey one oh one. Come, come callin?
Wild Turkey. We gotta, we have a special guest today.
Is, in addition to being the Director of Recruiting at Koch Trucking, he's like the, uh, grand poobah at the water Buffalo lodge or something, he's in some fraternal organization.
Greg Iverson:
Yes. And, uh, I'm pretty sure it's the water Buffalo lodge. We'll talk to him about it a little bit later, but, uh, ladies and gentlemen, here's Greg Iverson.
Greg Iverson:
Thanks for the invitation. I gotta tell you I'm a little nervous though.
You should be.
Yeah, you
Greg Iverson:
Be very good. You guys ever watch, um, you watch Big Bang Theory?
Is I love it. It's yeah.
Greg Iverson:
So, and I'm feeling kinda like I might be Penny in the room, so
Like I immediately put Penny's head on your shoulder. Just
<laugh> you say way to ruin Penny for me. Thanks. I think he just, uh, it was a backhanded way to call us nerds, Beach, but um,
Greg Iverson:
No, you guys are, you guys are brilliant.
Yeah. Well, there is something we've never heard. That's a, that's a new one
That is, we got make sure we note that.
So, uh, what's going on in the world of Greg Iverson right now. What's happening?
Greg Iverson:
Trying to keep my head above water. We're doing all right over here. Yeah. Things are good. Yeah. Minneapolis is starting to turn. Well, we still got snow on the ground, but
When does that,
You don't have any snow anymore. When
Does the snow really go away in Minneapolis?
Greg Iverson:
Uh, April
That's Friday. They better get to work
Greg Iverson:
Yep, yeah. Still have a couple...
It's an unusually cold, uh, late March in the Midwest.
Greg Iverson:
Yeah. It it's it's it's it's pretty brutal. It's winter is not going away very
Greg Iverson:
Quickly. No, it's not. Unfortunately.
Um, so things are going well. Mm-hmm <affirmative> tell me about the, uh, the let's get into the wa and I make fun. It's a, it's not the water Buffalo. Tell us what it is. It's an organization that does great work
Greg Iverson:
Absolutely. So
Greg Iverson:
I'm part of the Shriner's group and we, yeah, so we support Shriner's hospital for kids,
So, okay. So the Shriners that's the ones that wears the, the hats,
Greg Iverson:
The Fez. Yep. Funny .
Is that, what was it called? Is it called the Fez?
Greg Iverson:
Fez? Yep.
So did I send you the photo of the snowman that we built three weeks ago with that last snow that came through in Tennessee? Yeah. Did I, I don't remember.
Greg Iverson:
I did. I did see that.
So I, I tweeted it to the, uh, Shriners. Right. And they loved it. Oh. But, um, so Darin, what we did, we, we made this massive, massive snowman. Now this is one of those where the snow wasn't like, so my son goes out there. He's like, okay, let's let's, let's go out and hearing it. So in, in, and maybe
Yeah. Snow in Chattanooga.
Exactly. You're usually, Chattanooga's like this massive bowl and everywhere within a 25 mile radius would get snow of Chattanooga and Chattanooga would just get nothing but dirty rain
And everybody, you know, all the schools are closed, but every, all the other kids are sledding and everything else, while all they have, the county kids are like moping around going to school <laugh> so we had a, and then the thing is, what's funny. And I noticed this about my son and a lot of the other kids photos that you saw that day on Facebook is no one. When it snows, no one really has a set type of clothing to put on. It's like a smorgasbord board of, I mean, my, my son had two different gloves on that. He found he's got my wife's fuzzy jacket that he put I'm like, are you, you have nothing prepared. So it's like the, the snow apocalypse hits you have, he goes, this is what I got and keeping he's like 13. And just, he was just ignorant that day.
I'm looking like, man, I don't, I mean, you're gonna get out here, we're gonna roll up some, you know, roll up a snow, you know, a massive snowman and you can't do this. So anyway, we get out there, it doesn't matter. Right. And he's pushing and this snow is not sticking. It's dry. So I go, and I'm trying to find where melt of snow, I'm digging up buckets of water, throwing it on the lawn, and then slowly has started to floor. And then not only that, then the other kids started coming outside. Like, what are they doing? I wanna go roll that ma it was a massive mud ball, basically. <laugh> and it got to the point I couldn't lift it up. I could not pick this thing up. And then, uh, a dad came out and saw me struggling. He was like, I knew you were about to blow a Hemi. There is no way you're picking this up. <laugh>
Greg Iverson:
So we got it. And we took a bucket. We made, we took red Kool-Aid and we poured it on the top to make it look like a, a red Fez. So all that to say is, yeah, that's how, that's what we did.
Greg Iverson:
I'm sure you guys will appreciate this. We under the Shriner umbrella, there's all these groups that have, uh, and I'm sure there's of the four people that subscribed to your podcast. I'm sure one of 'em is probably a Shriner out there, but
First of all, there's not four.
I love, Hey, I love the finger. That was such a, a little, little, so
Greg Iverson:
Just a little love time. So we have all these groups, our summer parade groups, and some do other stuff. The one I'm active in is, uh, we call the rod gun club. So we just, we do fundraisers and shoots. And, uh, what we do is, all these kids at Shriner's hospital, you know, they're limb deficient or burns or whatever that the kids have. Um, and we take the kids. If they want to, we take 'em out shooting, fishing, camping. That's kind of our deal to get the kids out of the hospital and show 'em something they've never done before
That. That's fantastic, man. That really is that's that's I mean, the Shriners is my brother's a Shriner. Um, it's an incredible organization.
Greg Iverson:
Yeah. Yeah. It is. It's huge. And a lot of good people
Now, do you ever get to do the parade thing? Because that's obvi that's what I think that's like the long term guys. Right? That's what you aspire to do is do wheelies down a city street.
Greg Iverson:
Yeah. I've uh, I've done a few. I've done a few ride with, you know, we have the horsemen that do the parades with the horses. I kinda like the little boats I like to ride at the Mariners and the little mini boat zigzag around in the
Did you guys see Steve Sichterman on a go-cart. What was that?
Greg Iverson:
Uh, no, I, he does,
It was like a big wheel.
Greg Iverson:
Yeah, he does the ones. That ones that slide around. Yeah. Yeah. It's weird to see him on it.
Yeah. Sichterman was like the, uh, the, the grand poobah of the entire state of Arkansas, right? Yeah. He's that? Yeah.
Is that what you you're called is the grand poobah? I mean, what, what's the actual
Title. Yeah. Let's just leave it at that.
Greg Iverson:
Yeah. It is the Grand Poobah.
Oh, is it really?
Greg Iverson:
Oh man. I nailed it
All. So here here's my question. Do y'all still, am I, um, am I with the right group? Still do the, the pecan logs.
Greg Iverson:
The what?
Isn't there a group. That's the Shriners that sell pecan logs?
Greg Iverson:
Uh, they might be, it might be a regional thing. Yeah. Some groups probably do.
You've never sold pecan logs. Cause that's growing up. That was, oh, look, the red Fez guys probably got a pecan log. You gotta know.
Greg Iverson:
I'm not even sure. I like saying pecan log, but
<laugh> I never wanna say the red fez guy has a pecan log. I don't, I don't like hearing
That. Give me a dollar. Did you?
That's a regional thing. No,
I know. I've gotta look it up. I'm gonna look it up. Back here in, uh, Chattanooga, it was grown up. You like, oh man, there's that? Guy's going. He's at the. At the grocery store. He's standing outside. He's got all these con logs that are probably melty. Let's let's get one. My dad loved them. Oh my dad loved. He would buy 'em all up and like, yeah, this is, this is what I mean. He, the, an sausages, beanie, weenies and pecan logs on the fishing boat.
Greg Iverson:
Okay. We do
Four outta five cardiologists recommend
Greg Iverson:
Don't here's one for you. I like to know who my audience is.
Yeah. I love it.
Greg Iverson:
What's your favorite pie? Come on, go ahead, Darin. You guys are pie guys. Don't act like
Pecan. I grew up with a Southern grandmother. Pecan.
Yeah. I'm I'm I'm more of a pecan guy as well, especially my wife's pecan. Oh phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal.
Greg Iverson:
I'm kinda a rhubarb pie guy with this.
Rhubarb is a interesting flavor. I like it.
That's a Midwest thing, right,
Strawberry Cherry. But if you, if you don't cook it right, you, you eat it. You die
Greg Iverson:
It's poisonous.
Greg Iverson:
Well, you don't wanna get the leaves. Well, yeah,
You don't have the fruits. Not,
You still have to boil the crap outta it.
Greg Iverson:
Well you do. Cuz it's a gristly
My mom. That was, that was a birthday. That was a pie that shed make for my birthday there for a while. And it was, it was rhubarb. I lo I like a good rhubarb.
You also have to take two stalk of rhubarb and add about six cups of sugar.
Greg Iverson:
It's the same thing for pecans. I mean, good Lord. Now you get pecans. Then you gotta make the, the, what do you call it? Not the, the
Jelly. Goodness.
Greg Iverson:
Yeah. Goodness.
The goodness
Greg Iverson:
Custard. Delicious. It's like custard in it. Yeah. Right? So here's another one for you. You guys mind if I ask questions cuz you guys
Don't absolutely. You can ask.
Please do. We prepared nothing
I don't care if we talk about recruiting.
We forgot you were on until you called
<laugh>. We recruit all day long. I could care less about it, but go ahead.
Greg Iverson:
So you guys, we
Were doing something fun until you called. We had no idea. We forgot
Greg Iverson:
What, uh, so if you're a baseball player, what's your walk up song gonna be? Your a pro ball player
Question. I like that. Go ahead, Darin. I gotta think about that one.
Well, yeah, that's a tough one, man. My, uh, my old high school baseball coach, I went through a little bit of a slump and he recommended that I take a couple weeks off and then quit <laugh> so yeah, I didn't get to play enough to ever worry about a walkout song. I don't that holy cow. That's a tough one.
Greg Iverson:
It's a big deal. So I was thinking, and I don't know, I'm thinking about maybe going back to, uh, my old days with a ponytail look, I don't think I,
Yes. Don't
Greg Iverson:
Think I can do the man bun, but in light of that, I'd probably have to go with, um, I'd probably have to go with Aerosmith. Cause you know, dude looks like a lady.
That's a, that's a, that's a confident song to walk out to
Greg Iverson:
Isn't it?
That's very confident, now see Greg, I want your ponytail or rat tail.
Greg Iverson:
Oh that I always did. I was, I supported the ponytail.
I had a rat tail
Greg Iverson:
Did ya?
Oh yeah. Had a rat tail. I, I wanted a mullet. Never got that far, but I had a long, I had a rat tail this long. I know no one can see cuz we're not doing video, but I about, about, about a five inch rat tail. Really? Oh yeah.
I need to see the picture.
Greg Iverson:
I'm not sure why that doesn't surprise me.
Yeah. Um, my song I'd have to go with Motley Crue, Kickstart my heart.
Greg Iverson:
Oh, good choice.
Yeah. Well done. You guys are more versed in music. I'd I'd I'd pick something by Haggard or something and it just wouldn't really fit.
Greg Iverson:
You'd have to walk slow up to.
Yeah. Well that's not a problem,
Which is no
Problem. I'm not gonna hit. I'm not gonna hit the damn ball. Anyway. I play something you wanna hear?
I never played baseball. Did y'all? I mean, I, I, I never played baseball.
Greg Iverson:
Oh really?
No soccer was my jam. That was it.
No interest at all. Nothing. Did you play any...
I've tried basketball. Well, I kicked football and I got injured and then, um,
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
Yeah, go ahead. How do you get injured? Kicking a football.
I was kicking the football, but I got injured playing soccer. I got body slammed during a game. yeah. I went up for the ball, had it, the guy literally roped his stuff around my waist and then brought me down and that was it. My leg ended up being behind me. <laugh> and,
And what did you do to this gentleman that, that inspired him to twist your body like that?
I went over the top of his back and might have done a wet willy while I was up there and
Greg Iverson:
Would be some soccer, but yeah.
Is that a, is that a yellow card is a wet Willy, a yellow card in soccer.
It could be easily.
<laugh> Easily. only if you fall down
Greg Iverson:
Gosh. That's the nastiest thing to do to anybody. I'm sorry. A wet Willy. I don't even want, I don't even wanna stick my finger in someone's ear. Much less.
Yeah. And with, with the COVID stuff, man, I'm not,
Not forget to wash my hands then later on. Be like, oh, what's this
That doesn't taste like my ear wax. <laugh>
Greg Iverson:
You guys make it down to, uh, Louisville? For the show?
I did not. I, uh, I did not. I had other things going on Louisville has just kind of become a, uh, man. It's like a beehive. Yeah. It's so crazy. Um, I would just rather avoid it.
Greg Iverson:
<laugh> yeah, I didn't, I didn't either, but my team was there, but there, it felt like it was pretty busy.
Someone went, who was it that we had, we had a talk the other day, Darin, who was it that said that they went to it or heard about it. And it said it was, or might have been Freightwaves. Did a post about where they walked in. It was like carrier booth, carrier booth carrier booth carrier booth carrier booth. It was like, people were screaming. I'll pay you more money. Come down here. Let's talk about that. Hey, I've got more money here than that. Why would you go down there?
Yeah, it was, well, I think it was larger than it's been even before COVID right? So they haven't had it in two years. I think everybody was excited to get down there and you know what, if you know what you're doing and you're working the show, right. It's, it's a, it's a good thing. um, for somebody like me, that's down there just to talk to people. I almost feel like I'm more of a, a nuisance than, than anything else. I mean, more than usual, I get called that frequently, usually at home <laugh> but I just, it, I don't know my viewpoint on it. I guess. Not everybody shares that and it, uh, whatever works for you.
I met Lee Greenwood there
Greg Iverson:
Yeah. Shook hand Then went and washed it, but um, yeah, he was, uh, met him there. Have you ever met, like, what's your, who's
He's a little guy.
He is
Little petite.
But how who's the most famous person you ever met or just a famous person? You said, Hey. Yes, that was, that was actually pretty cool.
Greg Iverson:
Uh, my favorite
Greg Iverson:
Joan Jett.
Greg Iverson:
Jett. I was actually bouncing. I was working at a bar in Minneapolis. I was bouncing at the door and taking cover charges. And she came in with her entourage.
With a ponytail.
Greg Iverson:
No, no ponytail then no
<laugh> could have been, could have been different story, but the ponytail.
Greg Iverson:
Yeah, right? Yeah. They came in,
So was Joan Jett performing at the bar?
Greg Iverson:
She was in Minneapolis. And she came in to play with one of the local bands after her concert downtown, apparently. So saw him coming down the street and it was like $10 cover at the time. And, and I said, hang on, cuz her big entourage. And I said 10 bucks person. And the guy with her said, you know who that is? Right. I said, yeah, I know she has money, 10 bucks, a person
Greg Iverson:
You made him pay 10 bucks
Greg Iverson:
And she came up and said, you are kind of funny. Can I give you a hug? I said, why absolutely.
And ten bucks
Greg Iverson:
I let 'em all in for free. It was worth it. Get a hug from Joan Jett.
Really? Wow. I would, I still would've went for 10 bucks back. It's 10 bucks though. I'm glad you liked that.
Greg Iverson:
It wasn't my bar
And Iverson was immediately fired right after the whole.
Greg Iverson:
No Kidding.
So a couple weeks ago I was in, um, Scottsdale. Arizona spent a little time down there.
What's it like being you?
And one of my childhood hero, not childhood really. I mean like, I don't know, college age, I watched the Cubs a lot. Right? I was a big Cubs fan. Ryne Sandberg. Uh, probably my favorite Cub. I literally bumped into him in a PGA Superstore and turned into a, a 12 year old girl that just stared at him and said, hi. <laugh> couldn't couldn't think of anything to say, couldn't show appreciation for watching him play. None of that. I just said, hi, uh, he kind of looked at me like I needed supervision and walked away and he And yeah, I really did. And uh, so now I'm, you know, in my mind we're best friends.
Greg Iverson:
<laugh> starstruck. Huh?
So Ryne, if you're listening, uh, gimme a call. Good to hear from ya
Now. I have been told that if this wouldn't as if that'd a lot of the I'd look like, uh, David Ross,
You do look like David Ross,
Right from the side. So there was a, yes, it was a R and R conference. And I was in Nashville and this group of people that had been drinking and they had said, they go, this guy goes, Hey, you, you come, come over. My wife we're huge fans of his, can we give a picture? I'm like, sure, sure. And so I go over there and they're like Liz, David Ross, everybody, Deborah. And I went in for it.
Walk away. You hear em goin, that's not David Ross. <laugh> Anyway,
You do favor David Ross
A little bit. I think, I mean, take this off and about a hundred pounds. I mean, I think I, I could go for it
Off. Who you guys look about? The same size David Ross is a pretty big guy. Yeah.
He's handsome too. He's good. He's handsome. Yeah. Might boy might fine.
Greg Iverson:
I dunno.
First how much I follow the Cubs these days? Is he still the manager?
I have no idea.
Greg Iverson:
I don't know.
I just assume we fire our manager at the end of every year.
Greg Iverson:
I don't know Beach, but every time I see him now, I can't get past the, uh, TikTok video of you dancing with the women leg thing. And it's like stuck in my head.
I nailed that.
Greg Iverson:
You nailed it. It traumatized me, but you Nailed it.
It Should it should. I had to get the right background. I had to do my twist and turns, try to get that right. Just, I mean, but I thought I nailed it. I thought I did a pretty good job. I think so. And that, and that trend's been out for a long time. And so as soon as I did it from what I hear it, got it, got it. Got about 10 more views. So.. <Laugh>
Greg Iverson:
yeah. Unfortunately it kind of wakes me up at night sometimes, but I'll get, I'll get past it.
It should. It should. I mean, guys, I'm telling you what the TikTok thing is, cracks me up where people like you shouldn't, you know, TikTok this it's it's I'm like, look, I only do it for the trends and you might have to go through now. There's several trends you do not wanna do. There are several that
I am new to TikTok
Their careers. Let's just say that <laugh>
I am new to TikTok and I, I, I don't know. I think it's gonna be one of these things. I probably delete, I don't. Uh,
Greg Iverson:
Yeah. Yeah. It is interesting how much of our driver population is on there though.
It is interesting. It is Snapchat,
Younger generation.
I've had Snapchat then TikTok now, but thing with TikTok, again, I don't only use it. I don't even, I don't even show my videos. Like you can't. If you went up to my TikTok right now, you wouldn't be able to see those videos. I've got, 'em say and along with some others, but still <laugh>. I use that to pull off to post on the other social media platforms. I'd get more exposure from, and it just, and it does well.
So when, when you do a TikTok video, it doesn't live there for perpetuity. You can, you can delete it.
You can delete the TikTok video if you want, but I can save it and it be hidden and no one can see what I'm making.
Has there ever been a video.. Beach this is directed solely at you.
I love it.
Has there ever been a video that you've made and right before posting it thought Nah, Nope. I'm not doing that one. This one stays off. Because from a viewer's point of view, I, I would say the answer to that would be no, you've never done that.
There was all right. So that photo I posted of me in the hat, the beer, the cigarette, holding a
Uncle Eddie? Cousin Eddie?
Yeah. There is a video of that one, but I, I thought twice before. I don't know, but I'm gonna go ahead and do it. <laugh> happens. Have you heard that story? Have you seen Greg? Have you seen that? If you haven't seen you just, you need to go see it, me in the video or there is a video behind it.
Oh, the I've only seen the still picture. He looks like cousin Eddie. He's holding the..
Greg Iverson:
I Expect my, my boy, Tim Haala just showed me that picture today.
<laugh> so look at this guy would look, I can't believe you would post something like this.
Greg Iverson:
Look what the hell he does.
Yeah. Haala is saying, what have you agreed to do? You know,
have you heard, have you heard that story? Have y'all heard the story
I have not.
So we are down in it's 4th of July. Um, it was July 3rd. We all go out. Um, it's like 11 of us in this one house and in the pool house had a place where you can go stay up. So we all go out to eat down in Florida, Panama city area, and then we come back and of course immediately everyone's running to the restroom and trying to use it all at the same time. Well, I'm going and about that time, I, um, just nasty, backed up. Septic tank water is coming through the tiles of the bathroom floor.
Oh geez.
And I just hear this faint yells and screams from other people like so what's happening??!!
So I have to stop what I'm doing and figure out what's going on. So immediately, you know, I mean the septic tank's backed up. Well, so my mother-in-law gets on the phone. She's calling the people, the rental property and they're like, look, it's the weekend. We can't do anything about this. You know, it's 4th of July, everybody's busy. We can be out there in a couple of days. And she's like, letting everybody know it's gonna be a couple. I said, give me, gimme the phone, gimme the phone, gimme the phone. Cause I it's my turn. I've gotta go. And, but I can't. So I get on the phone and I'm like, listen, y'all have a pool. That pool is gonna be our, it's gonna be my toilet. <laugh> I'd get someone out here today and make this happen. Sir, you know, with the best, I said, you don't understand. That is about to be a pool for me. I'm gonna get a noodle and I'm just gonna float around until I'm done and that's gonna happen today. So I said, look so within a 10 minutes to get up, we'll have someone there first thing in the morning, like you, you better hurry up. So I went down to, I had to go to a restaurant, other people we had to just get in a car and it just loaded just for so people can go somewhere to go use the restroom. It was crazy.
Oh Good Lord.
So that guy showed up. So he shows up in the, in the truck and then we can't find the, he can't find the septic tank. So guess what I had to do. I had to go out there and try to find the septic tank. Found it. And that's immediately when we popped it. Of course it was just like, and I looked at my, my brother-in-law. I said, give me a beer, a cigarette, a robe, a hat, stat. That's how quickly that idea came about,
Greg Iverson:
Got a photo opp
And a video. There is a video about it. But
Yeah, I think that would be the last thing on my mind.
Not, not, not, not many posts. <laugh>
I don't not only would, I not have videoed it. I don't think I ever would've told anybody about it.
Greg Iverson:
Well, there's more, there's more detail to it. I've left it off. Cuz of the podcast. <laugh>
Greg, what are you drinking today? It's happy hour. What are you drinking?
Greg Iverson:
I got a little, uh, Glenfiddich.
Glenfiddich, a scotch guy. Right?
Greg Iverson:
Well, not normally, but downstairs in the, uh, cigar lounge here, there's a bar area for us and some of the bourbons here. I didn't recognize the name of, so I just bypassed it.
So tell me about this cigar lounge. You are, you're a cigar aficionado.
Greg Iverson:
I do like a cigar and
You belong to a club. I don't I'm from Mayberry. I've never, I didn't even know that these things existed. Tell me what a cigar club is.
Greg Iverson:
So this is a, it is a private club. It's right downtown Minneapolis. It's uh, I don't know how we have 120 members, I suppose. 24-hour access. And since it's a private club, we have a bar downstairs, just self service. We just, the owners just ask us what brands we want. They try and stock it for us. So,
so you're just Like paying a monthly due and you can use it whenever you want.
Greg Iverson:
Yep. Yeah. Yep. It's an annual, uh, payment. And then, uh, yeah, they have events here. I come and I come over here. It's probably three miles from my office. I come over here in office during the day sometimes just to get away from the fray. So yeah, it's a nice, it's a nice club. Yeah. Lot of corporate people, you know, there's a lot of, there's a lot of software people, tech people, mortgage finance people. And then I always say, well, I'm the outlier. I'm the trucking guy here.
So is there anybody in there smoking a backwood cigar? That's my question.
Greg Iverson:
Uh, there was a couple people here last night that they, I'm not sure if those were backwoods or if those were hand rolled special tobacco, but it smelled a little sweet.
So its, an anything goes cigar lounge
Greg Iverson:
Pretty much. Pretty much. Yeah, really is. But it's nice to have events here. There's a bunch of, we got a couple artists and we have art. They sell their art on the walls. Yeah. <affirmative>
I showed up. If I showed up with like a cherry flavored Swisher Sweet, would I be accepted into
Greg Iverson:
Nobody would, nobody'd say a word
Pounding at the door and nothing good screaming. I know Greg Iverson. Let me in.
Greg Iverson:
There was somebody else that did that. And then the police came and escorted him away cause was a homeless guy. But you know,
<laugh>, I can't get in. I I've tried, I have tried multiple scotches And I just can't do it.
Greg Iverson:
I, uh, they have to be pretty like,
I'm kind of the same way.
Greg Iverson:
Yeah. If they're really, you get the ones that are really smokey and or whatever they call it. Yeah. I can't, I can't do
That. I mean, it's like, it's like having a smoke. Someone was explaining to me, like I had a, a good, is it Lagavulin? Am I saying that right?
Greg Iverson:
Yeah. Yep.
And it was a 24 year old. Lagavulin like, it was old.
Greg Iverson:
Very like, Hey, this is a really nice comparable to like a Happy Vanwinkle, I guess. Right. And I'm I tried it and I literally, uh, it was, it was all I could do would just get a sip and try to swallow. It was
Greg Iverson:
And they were like, so what's the matter. I can tell that your taste buds aren't particularly fond of that.
Greg Iverson:
That refined palette.
It they're like, well, what, what's your, what's your palette taste telling you? I said, it tastes like I got campfire and a, and a magic marker in my mouth all at the same time. <laugh>,
You know, what's funny. I enjoy, I enjoy smoking bourbon and, but I don't enjoy scotch.
So you like a good, like an old fashioned and you smoke it.
Yeah. I'll just do it to bourbon. I'll put the bubbler right in the bourbon and just smoke it right through there. And it's, it's fantastic.
Greg Iverson:
Isn't that good? That is really good.
Yeah. I really, really,
I got one the other day sent to me and was a, it was um, oh gosh, Aged and Smoked is the company name. And it's got the big top. The top can fit on just about any glass except for squared ones, but still it can fit on any glass and it comes with the torch and then the Hickory chips put in it, hit it and it just,
Yeah. You just set it right on top of your glass.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
So you, I've got one of the big encased that looks like a, like a cake dish, you know, like
Greg Iverson:
There's My old, uh,
cake pan or whatever.
Greg Iverson:
Christoff, Maduro, cigar. That's gonna go with my bourbon here. When you guys get done with me.
See, that's another thing I've never been able to do. I cannot do cigars.
I've tried 'em
I don't enjoy it
Uh it's the, I can enjoy it, but my <laugh> my cigarette days wants me to inhale that thing.
Greg Iverson:
Oh, right. Yeah. That doesn't end well.
No, it doesn't like take a deep breath. You know, you want to, it's been a while. It's been 20 years go ahead
Greg Iverson:
Do that. French smoke thing you used to do with your nose and just, you could do
Greg Iverson:
It's a cigar culture in Minneapolis. Well, it's wrong in the country now. It's it's just booming. But I think there's, there's three private clubs in Minneapolis here.
Oh, it is it's booming here in Chattanooga. So there's another, there's a Burns, I think is the name you got the Chatanooga uh, Billards club downtown, which is nice, but there's so many of those popping up. I've got um, um, a couple of dads in the neighborhood I live in. They're like, Hey, we're we're doing a cigar and bourbon night on Friday nights. And so I'll, I'll go over and visit. And I'm learning the, the, the spiel. And so this one, a buddy of mine was a pilot, went to Cuba, brought some cigars back and I show up to the party with these. And they're immediately like, where did you get these? I'm like, what are you talking about? It's like, back in the days, when you had baseball trading cards and you showed up with Rose and you're like, look at this card, I got a Madden league card. Look at this, Ricky Henderson, Ricky, where'd you get that? I don't know, chewing bubble gum. And it just showed,
Greg Iverson:
You know, and some people that's like bourbons or anything else. I guess people, some people get so pretentious about it. You know, like cigar aficiando, cigar, snobs, you know, you know, they got their fancy cut B cut and the angle cut and a punch and all this I'll bite the end off it. I don't care..you heathen.
Because you bit the end off?
Greg Iverson:
Yeah. Right.
What's the difference in biting the end off and cutting it off?
Greg Iverson:
Still open to me. Still open.
You wanna, Hey Greg, I'm gonna lead into something funny here, Matt. It's because it's uncultured. It's can you repeat that?
I can't say it. You know, jerk. I can't,
You can't say the word culture.
It. It does not. Can't say that I've tried and tried and tried.
Greg Iverson:
I guess it doesn't work.
Oh, that played it.
Doesn't come out well, if it's in a presentation if I've got it in spell and someone says, you have to say that word, I'm like, can't say it. Can I get, what's another word similar to that that I can say? Not smart enough for me.
Greg Iverson:
I know, but how can I get you to say it.
We did. There's an episode out there where we have him say it several times. It's it's it's painful.
This 125 proof is really good.
Greg Iverson:
125. No wonder you curl your nose up.
It is that's that's but it's smooth. It's got a good burn on it, but boy, it's good. What are, what were some of the bourbons that you said you couldn't? I mean, do you remember any of the names close to it?
Greg Iverson:
No, I don't recognize any of 'em. One was, there was a couple rise down there, but I just didn't
Know what
Greg Iverson:
They were.
Right. Guy
Greg Iverson:
Eagle sky or some
Eagle Rare?
Greg Iverson:
No, no, I know that one. I would've brought that one.
Holy cow. Steal that and send it to me.
Greg Iverson:
Yeah. I would've taken that one home.
Yeah. You like you like Eagle Rare?
Greg Iverson:
Good. Oh yeah.
It's not bad.
We cannot get any Buffalo Trace bourbons in Iowa.
I picked up
We're in such an allocation
Two Buffalo Traces, two Eagle Rares and two, um, EH Taylors the other day.
Greg Iverson:
Oh, really?
See, I've got like one of each I've got like three Blanton bottles that I'm scared to drink. Cause I'm not sure when I'm gonna be able to replace 'em.
Oh gosh, man. You gotta dive into those. They don't last long.
Yeah. I know. It's the dumbest thing in the world. I've got all this good bourbon and I don't wanna drink it. Cause I'm scared it won't be there. Is that not the dumbest thing you've ever heard?
Greg Iverson:
Blantons are everywhere you.
Yeah, really? Yeah. I haven't seen a bottle of Blantons in the wild in two years.
Greg Iverson:
Cause you know where you live, right?
Mayberry. I get it. But man, I mean the liquor store owner holds them for me in, in town. Right. It's like, they know they'll reserve one back, but they don't get one, but maybe every six months or a year. It's crazy.
Greg Iverson:
Yeah. Well, I'm going to Louisville, uh, the first week of May. So I am planning on, uh, I'm driving specifically to load back. I'm gonna be like Smokey and he Bandit coming back with
Truckload of boot leg bourbon.
Greg Iverson:
That's good.
That would be a good re they should remake that they've got Top Gun coming out, which I'm all about. But they, they
Saw that.
Yeah. Who would we cast as smokey in the bandit.
I think you I've already got it's uh, Ashton Kutcher would be the bandit and his wife. Mila Kunas
Greg Iverson:
My little oh yeah. Frog.
Yes. She would be the perfect frog. Now as for
I don't know who, I, I don't know who that would be.
Greg Iverson:
Ashton Kutcher is married to Kunas, I didn't know that my respect for him just went up a couple notches.
Greg Iverson:
Didn't know.
Ashton Kutcher could be the guy.
I, I dunno who could be the snowman? I don't know. That could be a good trick. That could be a question for the, for the listeners
And maybe even a tougher one is who is Buford T Justice? That might be a tougher role to fill.
That would be a good one. Sum bitch.
You're the leading candidate Beach. Let's go. Now we just need funding. Hey they're uh, they're kicking us out of the bar here guys. We are running out of time.
Greg Iverson:
Oh, we're just getting wound up.
Well. That's your third bourbon. It's time for us to go before you start swearing.
Greg Iverson:
I'm surprised I haven't by now.
We're regulated now.
Greg Iverson:
Mmm, surprised I haven't by now.
which is why we can't do video.
<laugh> we?
Greg Iverson:
My F bombs usually slip out pretty easily lately. I'm surprised one didn't come out.
Well that's that's trucking.
Greg Iverson:
<laugh> right, right. Yeah. This was fun.
Greg Iverson, Koch Trucking. Thanks for hanging out with us, man.
Greg Iverson:
I appreciate the invite. It was a lot of fun.
Yeah, of course.We probably have you on again. We get a lot of rejections when we ask for guests. So you may be on again in like a week.
Greg Iverson:
I like that microphone, by the way, was it like 1940? When you get a,
Don't you love that?
He get, he gets it and this has been the biggest headache for him. Cause he gets well.
Greg Iverson:
They make em make em a lot smaller now
It's a great microphone. Terrible operator.
I'd give anything. If he do like, Hey, this is Casey Kasem.
Greg Iverson:
Right? <laugh>
We were doing a, we were doing a, we were Beach and I were guests on another podcast yesterday.
You couldn't get it operating.
Greg Iverson:
Like, you're getting, I'm struggling with the words or something.
Some sometimes I can make it work sometimes I can't. Yeah. And uh, Beach didn't think I could hear them. And he called me Mr. Magoo
I've been trying to work on it
He started laughing. I was like, yeah. Crap. He heard.
I've been trying to work that as a compliment somehow. And I'm done, I'm struggling a little bit
Greg Iverson:
Only like nine people get the reference anyways.
Yeah. Not many people.
The two younger kids that were, uh, interviewing us did not for sure.
No, they're just like, oh, he said something funny so
Even the remake of Mr. Magoo is probably 30 years old now that movie, whoever
Greg Iverson:
The kids do a little courtesy laugh for you and yeah. Didn't get the joke, but
We get that a lot. All right. Last call, man. Hey Greg, thanks for hanging out with us.
Time. Appreciate It. Keep on trucking.
Greg Iverson:
Always enjoyable. Thank you.
All right. See Bob.