cybersecurity in truckingIn today's business world, cybersecurity is more important than ever. As technology advances, so does the number of cybercrimes.

The threat that hackers represent to the supply chain, or the flow of goods and necessities, is less well-known than attacks against individuals, the finance sector, and a range of other businesses, including the shipping and trucking sectors.

Trucking companies may protect themselves from cybercrime by arming their management teams with the following information.

Common Attacks & How Trucking Companies Prevent Them

Regardless of the cybercriminal's goal or the industry they are targeting, the majority of hackers employ some combination of these techniques to obtain unauthorized access to a computer system:


Hackers use software that gives them access to the system so they can steal, change, or delete data. Many trucking companies make use of strong anti-virus and anti-malware software to protect against this type of attack.


This is a sort of social engineering where the hacker sends malicious emails with links to websites that, when accessed, steal crucial information, like usernames and passwords. Educating employees against common phishing attack strategies is one of the best ways to address this problem.

Software intrusions

Cybercriminals may employ third-party software or applications that have harmful executable code embedded. When a company uses the program to conduct business, the hacker has access to the proprietary system that the industry utilizes. Trucking companies should only make use of software and apps from trusted vendors, and ensure that these application receive regular security updates

Supply chain protection benefits more than just the companies involved. Cyberattacks on fleet vehicles frequently result in the theft or damage of products, or they can stop drivers from finishing their deliveries. Keeping this in mind, let's look at some typical strategies for stopping these kinds of assaults in the trucking sector.

Common Precautions to Protect Fleet Information

Strong passwords and two-factor authentication

Having a strong password that is frequently changed every couple of months still remains one of the best ways to combat hacker attempts at intrusion. Another line of security is to employ two-factor authentication, which prevents a hacker from using your password without the second device required for access.

Protect your telematic equipment

While many people consider safeguarding their internal IT systems, many forget to secure the trucks themselves. Fleet managers use telematic tracking and diagnostic systems to monitor the effectiveness and performance of their vehicles, but these systems are also vulnerable to hacking.

Test the system often

At least once a year, qualified cybersecurity specialists should perform routine penetration testing. By frequently using the same programs that hackers will use, these professionals will test the system to see how quickly unauthorized users can access it.

Backup, update and protect

Regularly performing secure backups of all systems and fleet and client data is advised. All communication and tracking software should also be updated regularly. All systems should be guarded by strong antivirus and anti-malware software.

Train employees

Every employee should receive frequent training on the value of safe practices, like using two-factor authentication and resetting passwords. Additionally, drivers must be warned against discussing routes or cargo on unprotected CB channels or other unreliable communication channels. In the event that the primary communication channel is hacked, a backup plan should be in place.

Trucking Cybersecurity of the Future

With cybercriminals continuing to pose threats to the trucking industry, no doubt in the future trucking companies may need to employ emerging technologies such as A.I. to secure fleets from hacker intrusion. Making use of automation where possible to remove the human factor from social engineering attacks is also a possibility. The evolution of blockchain technology is also the future of data security and encryption for many industries, including trucking. Future data and privacy laws governing emerging technology will also likely affect the trucking industry.

One of the pillars of a strong economy is the strength of the supply chain and the capacity to transport goods and services to their necessary locations safely and securely. The ultimate objective of cybercriminals is to undermine communities by disrupting foundational services and the supply chain.

Authored By:

National Motor Freight Traffic Association

National Motor Freight Traffic Association

The National Motor Freight Traffic Association is a nonprofit organization working to promote and improve the motor carrier industry through research, education, lobbying, and development of industry standards and best practices.