Driver Recruiting Happy Hour Podcast
Tim Norlin Stays Active in Trucking
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Tim Norlin talks with Darin and Matt about what is happening at Roehl Transport. Tim shares his thoughts on the future of driver recruiting, why you should never stop your recruitment advertising efforts, and what he feels could be the next big hurdle for driver recruiting departments to overcome in 2023.
Today's Guest: Tim Norlin, Vice President of Driver Employment at Roehl Transport
We discuss the various Boards that Tim serves on as part of his efforts to give back to the trucking industry, and of course, the conversation strays a little bit to talk of Beach quitting trucking to become the commissioner of competitive fishing, our favorite bourbons, kayaking, Tim's second granddaughter, middle names, and Tim even does a Beach impersonation.
Tim Norlin serves as the Vice President of Driver Employment at Roehl Transport, a role he has held since 2017. He started his career in trucking with US Xpress after graduating from the Iowa State University Ivy College of Business with a B.B.A. in Business Administration, Transportation and Logistics. Tim currently serves on the Boards of the Next Generation in Trucking Foundation, and the Commercial Vehicle Training Association.
Roehl Transport was founded in 1962 with a single driver, founder, Everett Roehl. Today Roehl remains a family-owned, multi-modal carrier, offering a wide variety of transportation services.
CDLjobs.com has been providing trucking companies pre-qualified driver leads through their lead generation website since 1999.
Ten4 Recruiting has several services built to serve the recruiting needs a carrier may have, including driver sourcing, advertising, and database follow-up.
Cheers everybody, and welcome to another edition of the Driver Recruiting Happy Hour podcast. My name is Darin Williams. I'm the president of CDLjobs.com. With me, as always, is my co-host, the president of Ten4 Recruiting, and a man who in lieu of recent events, will be leaving the trucking industry to become the new commissioner of competitive fishing, Matt Beach.
It's needed, it's needed.
Beach, what are you gonna do to stop the madness?
I don't know, man. It, it is, it, it's, it's just, it's interesting. I mean, it's open up the cheating scandals across all different types of industries, whether it be fishing, trucking, chess. There's a big chess,
Wait a minute, you say there's people cheating in trucking now because a couple of yahoos from Ohio put a lead weight
I mean, there, there's like a, it's like a European slash North American non cheating open scandal thing that we're actually, we've started and then we're, we're busting it wide. We're going to all these different groups. I mean, even in water polo,we're diving into,spurlunking. I mean
So your, your absence from trucking is, is momentary until you get the fishing thing straightened out and then you're coming back.
Yeah, coming back. And then we're just going all these everywhere. I mean, you, you name it, marbles, shoot marbles. I mean, there's cheating there. There's, there's cheating that's just happening everywhere. And so we're, we're diving into it. We're just gonna open it up.
So you are a fisherman? I am not really a fisherman. I've been sport fishing in the Keys and salmon fishing in Sheboygan. Just kinda, you know, that kinda stuff. Yeah. I, I, I didn't know competitive fishing was such a big thing.
It's huge. There's so much money in it. There's so much money. Be involved. I've gotta,
Apparently people are cheating at fishing. I just thought you lied about the size of the fish.
I mean, the big, There's so much in, in a sense, advertising money. You know, when Ranger Boats, Bass Pro, real, you know, even on the hunting side, there's so much money to be made just simply on the marketing and advertising side of it. It's crazy. It's absolutely nuts. And then, you know, anyway, it's just, it's, I got a buddy of mine who's a professional fisherman and he's got two shows that he does. He lives here in Chatanooga, but works out of the Keys. And I sent it to him. He was like, Man, you have no idea. Just some of the other things that people will do to win a fishing tournament. Absolutely unreal.
How else would you cheat? Maybe having a fish out on a line somewhere and going and getting it Yes. Catching it, right?
Yeah. Recently you had a guy that paid a a couple thousand bucks for another guy who caught a 10 pound large mouth and kept it in a trap for him. Yeah. There's also, get this, get this.
So they are really in need of a commissioner, or a co-fishioner if you will
Oh, oh, yes. Yes. Look at you. Look at you. Hey, he'll be here all night, ladies and gentlemen. Make sure you tip the bartender.
No, I will not. I think our guest might fish. Who do we have today, we've got the Vice President of Driver Employment at Roehl Transport, Tim Norlin. Norlin, have you ever cheated in a fishing tournament?
Tim Norlin:
Hell , no. I haven't.
Have you ever been caught cheating in a fishing tournament?
I, I'll phrase it that way.
Tim Norlin:
No. No, I haven't. I haven't even been in a fishing tournament. So,
Are you a fisherman?
Tim Norlin:
I am.
There's Cheating and then cheating. Cheating. But have you ever lied about how big a fish was?
Tim Norlin:
Beach, you're putting me on the spot here, man. Yeah, maybe
A couple of,
Tim Norlin:
I think I said one of the best pictures I said Norlin was
That that's just part of the game, right? I mean, that's just part what you do.
Tim Norlin:
That's right.
I sent him a pipe picture of a pipe, and he was like, How big is that thing? And it was measured in Coors Lights stacked against the stuff it <laugh> and it was like eight Coors Lights long. I dunno.
Holy cow. That's a
Tim Norlin:
Well, you know how that goes. You catch a fish, you don't measure it, you throw it back. And every time you tell the story about that fish, you add a couple inches. That's just how it is.
It gets bigger. They've got, So you ask Darin, what's another way of they cheat? They, some of the, some tournaments will do a smallest fish, or depending on, I mean, it's just like, here's a couple of hundred bucks or whatever. It's crazy. But they, if they know they're gonna win it or they wanna try, they'll actually take scissors. Or if the, if a fish has to be a certain length, they'll take scissors and trim off the tail and shape it just because they know if I can shave up a quarter an inch, since fish falls within that guidelines. It's nuts.
So if, if everybody knows this, and this has been going on for a while, why was, what was the big deal about this one? Why did this one blow up and go? I mean, why did I find out about it?
Social media. Social media, first of all, blow it up. There's, they, they do so much, There's so much of that crap that goes around cheating on it, but this one blew up. And just the way they acted about, But these guys had actually won. I mean, they were guessing
Tim Norlin:
Multiple, multiple tournaments. Multiple
30, $30,000 just at this one.
Yeah. I mean, it's like $300,000 worth of winnings over the year, you know? Cause you gotta think $80,000 bass boats that they had won and they were fixing to be the the top fishing team for that area. Like they were gonna win another, another award for it.
Tim Norlin:
And it's so serious. They make 'em take lie detector tests. And apparently one of these guys kinda didn't do so well on his lie detector test.
Yep. And one of the, and then they were like, Hey, my fish,
Tim, what do you mean? They may them take a lie tester, tech, tech, blah, blah, all after the tournament. Like, did you really catch all these fish?
Tim Norlin:
Right, exactly. Yeah, they do. That's how serious this is.
New Speaker:
Oh my God
Am I, am I, am I, am I wrong to say that? Wouldn't a metal detector catch that?
Tim Norlin:
No, it's lead. It wouldn't,
It won't pick it up.
Tim Norlin:
Really? Huh.
Tim Norlin:
I don't think so.
Well, then they're smart fishermen, or they were,
Anyway, it's, it's, it's, it's been unreal. And then you got the chess cheating scandal. I don't know if you saw that one.
Tim Norlin:
The teenager? Yeah.
Heard about it. A 19 year old kid, a 19 year old kid that raised, went from ranked 2000 in the world to ranked third in the world or something. And they think he's cheating. Well, how do you cheat a chess?
Well, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna go into the details of it, but
If you Google,
We need Rob Hatchett back.
Well, Rob called me yesterday and he goes, Which
Not that Norlin doesn't know chess, I'm just assuming Rob knows more.
Well, no, he, he called me, he goes, Which is bigger, a fishing cheating scandal, or a chess cheating scandal? And I had to break it down, but he goes, Do you know how he cheated? And I'm not gonna, again, I'm not gonna go into details, but if you Google like how they are suspecting that he cheated, you're gonna find it very interesting.
Tim Norlin:
Yes. Yeah.
You know? Exactly. I mean, little
Tim Norlin:
I do, I know the story.
I'm actually, I'm actually intrigued
Now I'm going to need to go look it up.
Tim Norlin:
I'm gonna start watching Darin when I run into him at conferences to see if he's cheating. Just how he's sitting on the bar stool.
Oh, wow. That, how, that's how you cheat at chess. I guess. I've never been interested in chess enough to <laugh> read a book about it, let alone go there.
Yeah. There you go. That that'll, that'll help you out with it.
All right. That, that, wow. That look at the time. We're out of time. Thanks for stopping by Tim. So I was gonna do a little better intro for you. And, and then I realized, you know, you're an Iowa State grad and you probably don't deserve any better.
Tim Norlin:
But you are on the board of almost, you represent almost every letter of the alphabet.
Tim Norlin:
I do. Yeah. I don't know, The last few years I've been, I've had a busy a busy life besides my full-time gig here, so Yeah.
Yeah. You gotta learn to say No,
Tim Norlin:
It's, it's hard. I'm a recruiter. Recruiters always have to say yes. <Laugh>.
Talk a little bit about that, your involvement in some of these boards. And I know we, we, we serve on the same board with the Next Generation in Trucking Foundation board.
Tim Norlin:
Mm-hmm. <Affirmative>.
Um but that's just one of the many that you're on. What tell us us about some of the others.
Tim Norlin:
Sure. Yeah. As you said, the Next Gen, I think it's so important that you know, we, we pave a path for these 18 year old kids and, and we get in front of high school students and let 'em know what a great career trucking is. But I'm also on the board of the CVTA, which is the Commercial Vehicle Training Alliance. Very important. They do great work. They represent driving schools as well as motor carriers with training programs. So very, very important work there. And geez, my most recent one here I am on the board for the North Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board. So NCWWFB.
It's alot of alphabet ladders, right there.
Alphabet and trucking right up there with the FTDDS.
That's a good one.
Tim Norlin:
Yes. Yeah. I haven't, I haven't tackled that one yet. There, Matt. So there
You go.
Tim Norlin:
Yep. Keeps me busy. Keeps me spry.
Now on the Next Generation in Trucking, which I absolutely love that. Absolutely love it. And so recently there was a school here in Copper Hill, Tennessee, and they had reached out and saw some, a post I had done a while back, and they were like, Hey, we're interested in starting a program at our school. What, I mean, what, what does it consist of? Well, then I got with oh gosh.
Tim Norlin and Darin (simultaneously):
Lindsey, and then Dave over in California. And I remember when Dave was kicking that off. It was the first CVTA event he came to, man, it was like four or five years ago. Had to be, or maybe a little bit longer than that. And and he was trying to get that excitement going on. And, but what's interesting about this school is that they want to train a, start a program in their high school. And they, Have you ever heard of the Ocoee River?
Tim Norlin:
So the Ocoee River has that, you know, they, they buses trucked up and down, you know, taking people up and down to, to raft the Ocoee River. They were hurting this year, along with everybody else cuz they couldn't find enough drivers for school buses. And so then they have some other local companies in that area that are needing truck drivers.
Like, Man, we think we could really do a great program with this. I'm like, Hey man, I'm all about it. So, and I had reached out to him, This is how awesome it was. Connected them with Lindsay and Dave. The following, that was on a Friday, the following week. They had a long conference call starting to get the sit up going, talking and all that. And so it was, it was a good process. Very quick, very on the spot. And so I appreciate them, you know, wanting to touch base. But did that, that program's awesome.
Tim Norlin:
Beach, you brought up something, I gotta share you a story with you that you don't know about me. So you were talking about shuttling the rafters up and down the Ocoee River in buses. So when I was a teenager in high school, I was probably 16, 17 years old. My summer job was to shuttle canoers up and down so they could canoe the Maquoketa River in, in eastern Iowa. And the, the, the, the vehicle that I drove was a 1967 Ford Econoline van where you sat up over the, the, the wheels. And it was it was three on the tree. And I, I just, I remember that I had fond memories of giving lots of young women rides to and from the river. Yeah. Is it,
Did the van have the back half cut off so you could fit the rafts?
Tim Norlin:
No, no, no.
Pulled a trailer?
Tim Norlin:
Pulled a trailer. Yeah. Yep.
I Had a
Tim and I grew up about 20 miles apart.
Tim Norlin:
Yep. Yeah. Great people come from Eastern Iowa. That's all I'm saying.
Well, the majority, we've had a lot of people on our podcast that's been from Iowa.
Yeah. Starting to see a trend here? I'm starting to see a trend.
I did, I was a rafting guide for the, And you make 25 every trip you go up, down, up, down. And the last one I did
As a guide?
As a guide, and went up there. We got in a, we got in the water and it's general, it's really form. I mean, the river is really, I mean, it's a dam, right? And they control the water flow and we're going down. And I look back and they turned the water off. And I looked at the people that I said, This is gonna be an amazing but very fast trip and we gotta go. And it was go, go stop water. When it dies, when it, when it stops flow, you're, you're done. I mean, it almost completely dries up to just a trickle. And so
How do they regulate it? They have a dam up at the time. Yeah, the dam it or is it manmade?
Yep. It's it turns the water on. So they, you got the Ocoee has two. So back in, I think it was the 96 Olympics, they created an upper portion for the Ocoee, specifically for the Olympics. And the majority of it's manmade, the rocks, a lot of them were fake. They brought in some rocks for, for it as well. But the lower part is the natural area of it and is controlled by the dam. And that's where the majority of the people go rafting it.
And this is in the Chattanooga, Soddy Daisy, Greater Tennessee
Cleveland, Tennessee, Cleveland, Tennessee. It's about 30 minutes from Chattanooga up in the mountains,
The greater Tennessee, eastern Tennessee area, the Soddy Daisy metro.
Soddy Vegas. Soddy Vegas. Home of the notorious illegal slot machine gambling, the back of the restaurants. We, we had a recent bust here in Soddy Daisy for that
Illegal gambling?
Yeah. There's a restaurant. And people were just like, Where are they going? And they weren't going the restroom. They were going back and doing the one arm bandit. Slot machine, they got busted for it.
If you ain't from Soddy, you ain't nobody.
Nobody. You ain't nobody. That is the truth. That's true. Hey Tim, what was the bundle of joy I saw on one of your recent posts?
Tim Norlin:
Oh, yeah. Got the granddaughter number two just came into the world. So yeah.
What's the name?
Tim Norlin:
Her name is Olivia May.
Olivia May,
That sounds like a good name to yell when they get in trouble.
Tim Norlin:
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
Olivia May. Yeah, I can see it. I can see it.
Tim Norlin:
I'll have to, I'll have to revert to my Chattanooga slang when I used to work down in Chattanooga. Olivia May, getch your ass over here.
Nailed it.
Grab a, grab a switch and get in the house.
Someone the other day was like, what's your middle name? Was like, it's Dale, you're Matthew Dale. And I'm like, look, there's only one person that has ever been allowed to call me. Matthew Dale. And she's no longer on this earth. And that was my grandmother. And I can tell you that was one when you heard Matthew Dale, it was over with. My back side was fixing to get tore up with a willow branch limb, tore up.
Oh yeah. I grew up, I grew up in Iowa. My maternal side was all from my, my grandmother's from DeQuincy, Louisiana. My mother grew up in Bossier City, Louisiana. So I learned early on that I would grab a stick to get my, get beaten about something stupid I did. You had grab your own weapon. <Laugh> a southern tradition that they should really stop.
Grab your own weapon. <Laugh>. <Laugh>.
Tim, what's going on at Roehl, man? What's happening at Roehl? Always something going on at Roehl. You guys are yeah, pumping it up there.
Tim Norlin:
I tell you, it's been it's been a fantastic ride this year. We came out of the covid lockdowns in really good shape. You know, trucking has been just moving forward with unfortunately now rates are going down, but very profitable year in 21 and 22. And a lot of growth. A lot of growth. We are on a trajectory. I need more trucks right now is what I need. So that's, that's gonna be a challenge as we move into the fourth quarter. But going great guns and, and couldn't be happier. Cause I'm one of those guys, you know, know me. You both of you know me. I'm a go fast kind of guy. If I'm not, if I'm not charging forward all the time, I get bored real quick. And this has been a fun ride.
I had somebody the other day go, Matt, hey, congratulations. Our trucks are full. Thank you so much. I'm like, Hold on, let, let's rephrase that. Either you're happy with that or you can go, I am pissed off cuz I can't get no freaking trucks. And so we, I'm, now I'd rather you say that versus all is great. Everything is wonderful. It's like, no, it's not. You can't grow. You can't move.
Tim Norlin:
We're actually in a very dangerous time right now for people in recruiting because what happens at a lot of carriers when the trucks are full and rates are depressed a little bit, Well, let's just shut off recruiting, which is the worst decision a carrier can make. But I guarantee you we're seeing it starting to happen at other, other carriers, not at Roehl. But I know some, some friends in the industry that are facing that right now. So, hey, we don't need all your recruiters. Lay some off. Let's do this, let's do that. It's man, bad, bad bad call.
It is a bad call.
We've been having those conversations daily, Tim.
Tim Norlin:
Yeah. Yeah.
It is a bad call. It is a very, someone has, I think even Darin asked, How's it going? Like this is, it's very "interesting" as to how it's going, especially on the recruiting side,
Tim Norlin:
Right, right.
Just the, it's the next, What about this week? What's this week look like? I dunno, what's next week? Look, I mean, it's just week to week of just
Well, it's, it's kind of, we're in a unique position that everyone needs equipment.
Tim Norlin:
I mean, more than anything we need equipment <laugh>.
Tim Norlin:
Mm-hmm. <Affirmative>, right?
I mean, it's just, it, you know, six months ago we needed drivers and now we need equipment. It's just, it's kind of a bizarre and it'll change quickly. It always does. It you know, it's a little bump in the road, but I mean, I think you, would assume you'd agree.
Tim Norlin:
Absolutely . Yep. Absolutely. But, you know, it's shutting off recruiting. That's the easy button. But the, the better decision is to keep that beast moving. That's a machine that once you get it up to speed, you do not wanna slow it down. There are other things you can do. Keep bringing the drivers in and then, then look within yourself. Look at your drivers and who, who can we, who can we improve upon? You know, either
Upgrade your fleet.
Tim Norlin:
There you go. Yeah, I was trying to say it in a nicer way, but yeah. Upgrade the, upgrade your fleet.
And it is what it is.
I heard someone say, weed and feed the other day. Just go weed and feed it.
Tim Norlin:
There you go. Yeah.
Tim Norlin:
Can I use that? Can I use that term? Is that a Beachism?
Yes you can. Weed and feed.
Tim Norlin:
Weed and feed.
If it really, really takes off, you have to write the driver Recruiting Happy Hour podcast.
I think that's already the name of a lawn company.
Tim Norlin:
So we're probably get sued
One of the best. You've probably the best. What was it? Septic tank service was, we're number one in the number two business.
<Laugh> got one of those here.
Tim Norlin:
You know, it's funny on that. You, you in in, we're seeing it just on the third party side where there's a lot of people, especially like on LinkedIn who are previous recruiters who are like, we, the recruiting department couldn't grow. And we got stagnant and out of a job. Now me on my end like, come on, let's go. Right? I I'll bring you on and here's what we got. Here's some work, here's this. And then even for us, you know, on, on my side, you, you see kind of a high turnover because depending on the commission and 1099 work and some other stuff that they, it's hard for them to kind of get used to that. And I get it. I mean, I've been there myself, but you're seeing it, man. I mean, for me right now, trying, you know, reaching out on the LinkedIn marketplace for recruiters, there's a lot of them out there. A lot of them out
Tim Norlin:
There. Yeah. It's, I'm looking right now too. I, I, I need a couple. Cause we, we have plans. Send 'em my way If you can't use them.
I did a LinkedIn post and put I think it was, I spent 75 bucks and was littered with resumes. I'm talking littered with resumes and absolutely loved it. Cuz I thought, well, maybe I'll try Indeed. No. LinkedIn, it just blew up of just people, you know, Hey, I, I need a job. Get me in there. Let me try it out. You know, let me, let me you know, I can make a, I can make a hundred calls a day. Perfect. You know, or, you know, I'm in the medical side side of things. I'm, I'm over here. I call people. I call people to make them pay their bills. How many calls you make a day? A hundred. Come on. I'll, I'll teach you Tentreet <laugh>. I'll track you
Tim Norlin:
If you can make that phone call. Come on. Welcome to trucking. We need you. And so but anyway, if you're, that LinkedIn post just blew up.
A lot of people out there didn't even work, man. And you sit there and scratch your head, people going, There's no jobs up there. I'm like, there is.
It's, there's not a lot of easy jobs. Right? I mean, recruiting's a tough gig. It's a tough gig. It's, it takes a special kind of person to repeatedly get kicked in the crotch every day and come back and do it again the next, right?
Tim Norlin:
And that's what we do. I mean, and then, you know, at the end of the week, Congratulations, you met your goal. It starts all over again tomorrow.
Tim Norlin:
Yeah. It's tough. There's, there's no end in sight. It's tough.
Tim Norlin:
It is true. That is true. And you know what, six months from now we'll be talking about a different kind of crisis.
Tim Norlin:
Guarantee it's never, never ending. It's always changing.
Yeah. I have a non-industry question. Favorite bourbon that, what's your favorite bourbon go to? Is it Makers? What is it, like right now? You're sitting that you're sitting on the lake.
Tim Norlin:
Mm-hmm. <Affirmative>.
And no, no tv. You got fire, phone, there's no reception. You're just like, say what bourbon am I going through?
Tim Norlin:
Usually Bulleit.
Bulleit, Bulleit Rye or Bulleit bourbon?
Tim Norlin:
Bulleit bourbon. Bulleit bourbon
Usually available.
Tim Norlin:
However, my favorite. Yeah. However, however and I know you've been there, Evan Williams in Louisville.
Tim Norlin:
We had, we had an industry event there, here a few years back and they did tastings and stuff. Mm-Hmm. <Affirmative>, I just got a bottle of Evan Williams Reserve and it is delicious.
Evan Williams 100 for 24 bucks for a half gallon <laugh>.
Tim Norlin:
Uh, ok, you're making me nervous
You walk up and get you there. It's not bad. It's not bad mixer all
And its usually available, right? You can find Bulleit about anywhere.
Tim Norlin:
Oh yeah. Everybody's got Bulleit, but Yeah. But Beach to your point, you're right. 25 bucks for a half gallon versus, you know, 50 bucks for a half gallon of Bulleit versus, you know, how much for a bottle of Blantons? So
A hundred. Yeah. If you can find it, that's the bad problem. You can't find it.
Tim Norlin:
The bourbon
Which my new go to is Angels Envy.
Tim Norlin:
Oh, love, Angels Envy. Good, good, good. Bourbon. If you're just gonna have one or two.
No, five years ago, Jay Aids turned me onto that, you know, remember Jay?
Tim Norlin:
Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>,
Jay Aids turned me onto that. And I, in Louisville.
I'm not a, I'm not an Angel Envy fan.
Tim Norlin:
I can't get Into, I've tried different ones. I'm just, I'm just not there. I don't know why.
I was told that their rye is very good and I'm, I'm not a rye fan, but I was told the Angels Envy rye is very good.
So in Nashville there's a company, Nashville Barrel company. And Tim, if you're next time we're there, if y'all can ever sneak over there, there's a guy who's just started. Michael Michael Hines, and he's got some new barrels that's fixing to roll out. We did a barrel tasting over there the other day and lemme tell you something. And now it's higher proof. Higher proof. Which I like that 115, 115%. It's my sweet spot. Absolutely phenomenal. Their rye is unreal. Absolutely. Just, I mean, I'm, I'm a huge fan. Usually
They're not the, are they the Nashville distillery that makes that triple smoked
Uh uh, No so the other day, like Chattanooga whiskey here? I'm not a huge fan. Chattanooga whiskey. I shouldn't say that, but I'm not. And but they've had some, like, you know, when, when, when they start getting really, really creative, like, let's take the bourbon and let's put it in a, a wine French, you know, Merlot cask. And that's what's like,
Tim Norlin:
That's not bourbon.
Now wait a minute.
As soon as I say I like Angels Envy, you have to start using that voice and personally attacking Angels Envy.
What voice?
I mean, that's what they do. Did you know that was <laugh>? They finish it in wine barrels?
Yeah. I can't, I just can't do it. I can't do it. It's tough.
Did I ever send you Cedar Ridge Bourbon? Didn't I send you a bottle of that?
Tim Norlin:
Cedar? Cedar Ridge? Is it made with water from the Cedar River?
It well, I, I would never brag about that <laugh>. But it's made in Iowa, which has the best corn.
Tim Norlin:
Well, that's true.
Logic would tell you that's gonna make the best bourbon. I am gonna make a note of that. I'm gonna send each of you guys some Iowa bourbon.
So we noted, noted. We went to the fishing. I'm sure you,
I think I might have just admitted to bootlegging right here on the world.
Yeah, I think you did.
Tim Norlin:
Yeah, you did. That's alright.
The fishing place I go to in Clarksville, Georgia. The guys placed that fish on. His name is Bear Sutton. And I don't know if you ever heard of Popcorn Sutton, the moon Shiner?
This is, this is his nephew. And so my cousin was like literally, he had never been trout and never been here. And he's like, Man, what, where are we going? I'm like, This is, don't worry about it. And I wanted to say, I've taken Rob Hatchett here, It's okay if you only, And he was like, he doesn't know who Rob Hatchett is. But I'm like, it'll be fine. He survived. You're gonna be off. And so we, we get there that night. We, we pull out some Nashville barrel bottles that we had and Bear calls it brandy. He said that brown brandy, everything's brown brandy, even the clear stuff. At one point of the night I had to help Bear back into the cabin. And his wife's like, What's wrong with him? He goes, Honey, they got me drunk. And so my cousin was like, I don't know if we should feel good or feel bad that we got Popcorn Sutton's nephew
I was gonna say, Popcorn Sutton could drink all day.
No but anyway woke up that next morning, rough but still wore up. Where the fishing out, Y'all have got to hit that river. Y'all have gotta get over there. If you can ever go to the Soki River, man, it is a ball. Absolute ball.
Tim Norlin:
It's on my list, man. You keep posting those pictures so
Well we con so in the, they they shut it down the summertime because the water's too hot and they don't wanna, in a sense hurt the fish.
Tim Norlin:
And oh gosh, what's the guy's name that's, that owns the Braves. Cnn, what's his name?
Tim Norlin:
Ted Turner helped create or get the Soki River where it is for trophy fishing. So he made it to where, so if you actually own a place and the river goes through your property, you actually own the river. So usually, you know, it's, it's, you know, it's not that way. It's, but he, you know, of course they set it all up. And so these fish are, I call 'em, depends on, some of 'em are like, I call 'em pellet hogs, if that makes sense.
Tim Norlin:
Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.
So what these fish just stay where you're at. It's like, let's throw some fish food here. Maybe they'll stay, but still, you know, you're going through different flys and, and people who go North Georgia fly fishing or even they've never fly fishing before. They're thinking A River Runs Through It. We're gonna be like, Brad Pitt and stream this stuff out here. It's like, no, it's picked the rod up. Flick<laugh> Pick the rod up. Flick. And my cousin who had never done it, he's like, this is it? I'm like, just wait till you get a 14 pound. Just, just, just wait. You know. But anyway, it's, it's a great time. It really, it's, it's an amazing time.
Tim Norlin:
That sounds awesome. Sounds
Like we, we just got invited down Norlin. Clear your schedule.
Tim Norlin:
Absolutely. Well, I'm gonna have to go find some Wisconsin bourbon too. There are so many micro distilleries popping up around here. You know, Wisconsin's known for the land of beer.
Really? In the land of beer?
Tim Norlin:
Yes. In the land of beer. And all of a sudden it's all micro distilleries. There's a, there's a place over in Chippewa Falls that makes flavored vodka and they have a horseradish flavored vodka that is, if you like Bloody Marys, it is the bomb.
Tim Norlin:
Good stuff.
I got into mezcal tequila.
Scotch. I hate scotch. I've, I've tried different ones. Can't get into it. I got, I got into one and someone was like, Well, explain it to me. I'm like, it's like standing in the middle of a campfire smoke and it's in your mouth. <Laugh>. That's, but I, but like the mezcal tequila with that spicy smokey, I'm actually in, I'm in, I'm interested. I love it. But the but a flavored spicy vodka all day long. Give me a bloody Mary all day long. Like I can go for one right now.
Tim Norlin:
<Laugh>, you need, you need to go to Mexico and go on the tequila tour. And they, they walk you through the whole process and you get to try it at different stages. So the first distilling of it is reascene. You drink that stuff and you'll start seeing purple elephants and shit.
I have been to Mexico one time and just said I'd never go back. Went to Mo Monterey and the very first Lowe's Home Improvement store they were building. They like, Hey, can you go down there and kind of help set this up? I go down there, escorted in on by police. They had an actual shooting tower with guards in it protecting the freight that was coming in. And half of the freight that we had, what didn't even show up because the cartel was taking it over. And so a lot of the shipment stuff that came in, I'm like, there's really not like, so I would have to, I had a escort service into the, into the Lowe's store. And then when I wanted to go back to my room, I had gotten to another vehicle and they would bring me back and drop me off
There are much. There are much nicer places to go.
I know, I know. That was first experience. I'm like, this is No.
I've been to Mexico several times. Only had a police escort once for a totally different reason. And that's for another show. We are running out of time here. Tim, where are you gonna be next? Where's your next where are you gallivanting off to?
Tim Norlin:
Tomorrow morning I am heading north of the border to my cottage up on Lincoln Woods
Back to Canada. Yeah,
Tim Norlin:
Time to close it up for the season. It's so it's 71 here today, Tomorrow the high is 41. So winter, winter is coming.
Yes. And how do people contact you, Tim? If somebody wanted to reach out to you and talk, how do they contact you? What's your what's the best way?
Tim Norlin:
The best way to get ahold of me personally or at Roehl is
Give your home phone number out to the people. Would you please?
Tim Norlin:
Absolutely, I will. I will. And my bank account number no best way to reach me is 715-591-7050. That's the easy way to get us. So
Are you on the innerwebs?
Tim Norlin:
We are Roehl.jobs and you know, we're so unique how we spell our name, It's Roehl.jobs. But for those people that don't know that and you type in RAIL.jobs, you'll go to the same place.
Nice. Did they do that before? Did that, did that happen before Tim Norlin became the Vice President of Driver Employment?
Tim Norlin:
Yeah, it actually did. Yeah. I can't,
I was trying to get credit.
Tim Norlin:
I know I can't lay claim that. Sorry.
All right.
Tim Norlin:
Well Tim, thanks for stopping by and taking some time. I know how busy you are and we truly appreciate it, man. Really.
Tim Norlin:
All right, thanks guys.
Hey Tim, take care man.
Thanks everybody. Be safe and keep on trucking.