Driver Recruiting Happy Hour Podcast
Sadie Church Has Seen All Sides of Trucking
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Darin and Matt sit down with the Vice President of Driver Relations at Artur Express, Sadie Church. Sadie shares her experiences in trucking from working inside driver recruiting and several years working on the other side with a lead-generation website.
Today's Guest: Sadie Church, Vice President of Driver Relations - Artur Express
Sadie's experiences give her a unique perspective on the issues facing driver recruiters and how to solve them. They also discuss baseball, the Ozarks, car insurance, pink Volvos, the possibility of Beach bobblehead dolls, and Darin finally flusters Beach with the intro.
Artur Express has been operating since 1998 and has been growing steadily ever since. With more than 800 trucks, 250 teams and over 3,200 trailers, Artur provides services to 48 states while maintaining a high standard of personalized and professional service.
About Our Hosts:
CDLjobs.com has been providing trucking companies pre-qualified driver leads through their lead generation website since 1999. Ten4 Recruiting has several services built to serve the recruiting needs a carrier may have, including driver sourcing, advertising, and database follow-up.
Cheers everybody, and welcome to the Driver Recruiting Happy Hour podcast. My name is Darin Williams. I am the President of CDLjobs.com. With me, as always, is my co-host, the President of Ten4 Recruiting and a man who has been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty. Matt Beach.
That has gotta be,
Beach, how's it going? Are you getting anybody?
<Laugh>That one got, That one got me. That one got me.
You don't have a story for my intro? This is the first one.
No. No, that, that was, I would say if I had a, a fishing hole that was nothing but that I could fish in that pond or whatever. And it's those people that make those phone calls. I'd recruit every single one of them, but come make calls for me. Right, Right. I mean, can you imagine that, that you, What's your job? You're gonna sit here, you're gonna call people, and you're gonna find out about the warranty, car warranty, and you're gonna get hung up on a lot. You're gonna get cussed at
400 times a day.
You're gonna get, And I'm like, what does that sound like? Let me think about that. What does <laugh>, what position?
Sadie Church:
I'm a little familiar.
Gonna be really good at driver recruiting. Hey, speaking of really good at driver recruiting, do you know who our guest is today, Beach?
Oh, I know, Oh, I know.
Newly promoted to the Vice President of Driver Relations at, now Beach and I are having an argument. Is it Arter or Artur?
Sadie Church:
Sadie Church:
Mm-Hmm. affirmative>.
Arter. That's what I,
Sadie Church:
Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>
As in Midwest, not Tennessee. So in Tennessee it would be Artur.
It is, but
It's not. It's in the Midwest. It's Artur Express. And this is Sadie Church. Hello, Sadie.
Sadie Church:
Hi. Thanks for having me.
Don't say that yet.
No, no, no, no, no. Just wait.
Hold judgment until we're done.
Sadie Church:
How are things in Kansas City, Missouri? You're in Kansas City or St. Louis?
Sadie Church:
St. Louis. I'm in St. Louis. now.
Now how big of a Cards fan are you?
Sadie Church:
You know, I grew up actually in central Missouri, so right in between Kansas City and St. Louis. So I kind of grew up rooting for both teams.
Near the Ozarks?
Sadie Church:
You can, you can't recruit for both teams.
Sadie Church:
Yeah. When you're, when you're just really kind of a passive fan, you can.
No, you can't recruit for both teams.
What's the middle of the state?
Sadie Church:
Just whoever was playing. Okay. So I will say if it's Cardinals versus the Royals, Right. I'm gonna be, I'll wear my Royals stuff.
Okay. Okay. All right. Now we know.
I like that answer.
Now we know. Now we know. Okay, we've got that.
Where is the middle of Missouri. Is that Ozarks?
Sadie Church:
Lake the Ozarks. Yep.
Is that really where you grew up?
Sadie Church:
It is.
Wow. That'd be fun, huh?
Sadie Church:
It was fun. Yeah. Great time.
Except for all the killings and the drug dealings. I saw a documentary about it.
Sadie Church:
It's definitely not that Ozark.
Yeah. <Laugh>. Not that, I mean, other than the meth, it's wonderful.
Sadie Church:
I was gonna say, don't get me wrong, There are certain parts that are less desirable.
<Laugh>, Where is the main
How long you been in?
Have you ever been to the Ozarks, Beach?
Well, I'm asking the question and now you're asking a question. You're asking a question and I'm asking the question. I mean, we gotta get on the same
I'm asking you a question.
Have I ever been in Ozarks? Absolutely not. No. Never been.
Okay, Thank you.
I want to go. Now
Sadie Church:
You would love it. You would love it,
Isn't it? I should know this, but there, I've done a lot of hunting. I've never done duck hunting. Is Ozarks a good place to go duck hunting?
Sadie Church:
I, no, no, that's not where you wanna go duck hunting.
To me, when I hear it Ozarks, I hear swamp. It's not swamp.
Sadie Church:
Nope. Nope. It's a big lake.
Huge recreational lake.
There's no ducks. There's no ducks at all.
Well, there might be.
Sadie Church:
I mean, there are, but it's definitely not a hunting destination.
I dunno. To me that sounds like a, Hey, Matt, where you going? I'm going hunting in the Ozarks. Nice.
Sadie Church:
There might be places in the Ozarks where you can go duck hunting, but it's not Lake of the Ozarks where you wanna go.
Well, that's, I don't, I don't know how I feel about it. I'm lot, I just dunno how I feel about it.
Sadie Church:
It's just a big party lake.
Okay. Now, now I feel better.
Sadie Church:
I I think you would appreciate it.
Like pontoon pontoon boat or a, what do you call the, what do you call those horrible boats that drop down like this and people surf behind them?
Sadie Church:
Oh, yeah. Like the ski boats.
I hate those.
Sadie Church:
No, you really, the Lake of the Ozarks has gotten so big and so busy, you really need a bigger boat that can handle the waves.
Like, and why Darin, You're like, why would you hate those? Number one,
I have a 24 foot ski boat. I'm,
Sadie Church:
It would not, it would not do well.
I would not take it to the Ozarks
Sadie Church:
No. It, when I grew up there, a 24 foot boat was a big boat. Right?
Sadie Church:
Anymore, you, you won't even take that outta your, your cove.
You get swallowed.
Sadie Church:
Mm-Hmm. affirmative>.
Yeah. I'm a pontoon boat guy and those boats come across and I just get drowned in their wake and I hate them.
Sadie Church:
Yeah. Yeah. That's Lake of the Ozarks.
Yeah. Gimme a pontoon boat. Give me a cold beer. Cruising slow. I'm good.
Jorts. Yes. Jorts, definitely
Cowboy boots?
You know who looks good in jorts?
You do.
Sadie's husband
Sadie Church:
<Laugh>. Yes, he does. I actually talk, talked him into buy an a pair for a trip to Hawaii.
Why did you have to buy a pair? You gotta make your own. You gotta make your own.
Sadie Church:
That's true. That's true. We could have done that. But we found them on sale.
Then you put him in the washing machine and you get the fray. Right? Get the nice fray, you know, And then you wear them. You didn't have to buy him jorts.
Sadie Church:
And I should have called you. Sorry.
I'm disappointed.
You should have called me Sadie. I'm on a one man campaign to eliminate jorts<laugh>. They're a horrible fashion trend.
Oh, it was not. How was your, Hey, how was your trip to Hawaii?
Sadie Church:
It was amazing. I love it there.
I have, that's, I have two states left, Alaska and Hawaii, and I gotta, I gotta get to
Sadie Church:
Yeah. Wait, I, I mean, it's, it's hard to leave every time.
Now, did you completely get off the grid, phone shut down? No phone calls, no nothing?
Sadie Church:
For the most part. Yeah, for the most part. I just would go through every morning while I was drinking my coffee out on the balcony and I would go through and just, I would delete the emails I didn't have to respond to later.
Nice, nice.
Sounds like my every morning.
Sadie Church:
Yeah. I mean, that, that is every morning.
Delete, delete, delete, delete.
I'll never there I gotta tell you this the first time, and Sadie, please tell me if I'm wrong.
Sadie Church:
But I think first time me and you met
Sadie Church:
Mm-Hmm. <Affirmative>
You were in a bright pink truck
Sadie Church:
Mm-Hmm. <Affirmative>.
And I was at a rest stop. Yep. It sounds like a crazy story already
Sadie Church:
Just outside of Chattanooga, right?
Yeah, exactly. Yep. Right up in Monteagle Mountain.
Sadie Church:
That's right. Yeah. In the rain.
What was that? What were you doing on that truck and how long were
Sadie Church:
That was Fueling our Heroes and that was delivering meals, water, cases of Monster Energy drinks to drivers at truck stops, rest areas, anywhere we could find them.
Yeah. It was really cool. It was absolutely great event. It was, you had several other recruiters and
Sadie Church:
Mm-Hmm. <Affirmative>
Other carriers that stopped by and stuff, and it was really a cool atmosphere and stuff.
Sadie Church:
Yeah. Thank you.
Was it a recruiting effort?
Sadie Church:
What's that?
Is that what it was? It was a recruiting tool that you were doing?
Sadie Church:
No, no, no recruiting. No, no. Uhuh. I actually thought of the idea when we, I was, at the time I was with the CDL Life and
Never heard of them.
Sadie Church:
Sadie Church:
And we were getting messages from drivers, you know, having a hard time getting access to food and restaurants shut down. Right? Indoor dining shutdown drivers can't drive through walkthroughs. They can't, you know, it's, it was an issue and it was a real pain point. And it was at the point where we had so many messages coming in. I just knew we had an obligation to do something for our community to help out. I was actually on a run one day and the first thought came to mind was my dad. Right? Like, I'll just partner with my dad and we'll just do this trip together again. And then I just started thinking about the logistics of making that work. And they run their own business now just outside of Kansas City. And I knew that would be taking him away from that for a couple weeks. And I ended up partnering with a female driver in a pink Volvo. And then ended up asking Volvo, Hey, would you sponsor us for this? So we had Volvo, Cobra Electronics and Monster Energy drinks, and then CDL meals and Eat Fit Go gave us really great rates. On, on that food
What was the premise? What was going on that it was so hard to get these supplies?
Sadie Church:
Oh, I'm sorry. It was Covid. It was when Covid first started. Yeah.
All right.
Sadie Church:
Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.
Wow. That's a what a great idea. Obviously it was successful.
Sadie Church:
It was. Yeah. We, sorry. We gave, handed a lot of meals out. We spent about two weeks. We did spend two weeks out. So we did a week out from Kansas City to Pennsylvania, and then the next trip out we did Kansas City, down to Texas, across to Atlanta, and then back up to Kansas City.
Wow. And you just randomly ran into Beach in a truck stop in Chattanooga?
Sadie Church:
No, no, no. So we let the carriers know what we were doing.
Sadie Church:
And I think, Matt, you may have just seen it on LinkedIn, right?
Yeah, I did. Yeah.
Sadie Church:
Yeah. So we let carriers, we let people know, like if they wanted to get involved, these are our stops if you wanna meet up with us along the way.
Yeah. And I was like, I just gotta meet Sadie.
Sadie Church:
And then, but her, what? She, what? That whole program and that idea, it was absolutely phenomenal.
Sadie Church:
Thank you.
I mean, we only did one, one rest or truck stop in a sense. And the food and the drinks that were passing, it was, it was Nervewracking at first Right? A little bit. Especially if you never didn't need to go and knock on the driver's door. And then here you had all this food and then they're was like, Seriously?
Sadie Church:
What's the catch?
Yeah. It was like, they're like, Well, what? I'm like, Nope, it's on you. Thank you for being a truck driver. I mean, it was absolutely amazing
Sadie Church:
It was very uplifting and, and the drivers were so sweet and so taken aback by it.
Sadie Church:
Cause you got to remember, this was still pretty early covid, Right? And so many drivers were like, I can't take this without giving you something. I cannot even tell you how many gifts I came back with. He'd be like, Let me grab you this. Like, one driver handed me a bag of plantains and he's like, I buy these, I get these in Honduras and they're my favorite. Here's a bag. And I got like a sculpted wooden lion. And like, remember that, like how hard hand sanitizer was to find so many drivers gave us their hand sanitizer cuz they wanted us to be safe when we were out delivering meals. Wow. I was just overwhelmed with how much they wanted to give stuff back to us.
That's great.
Really humbling.
How long were you on the truck?
Sadie Church:
Two weeks.
Two weeks. Now what, like what was the hardest or not, I wanna say, what's the most challenging part of being on the truck like that?
Sadie Church:
So things have changed a lot since when I went over the road with my dad. Right? Like, times are very different out there for, for truckers. Gosh, it's tough. I mean, they, they, they live a pretty difficult life. I mean, you're parked in truck stops with up, you know, 150 other trucks maybe depending on how big the truck stop is, you park at the back. And I, I fully immersed myself in it. I stayed in, in the truck with Brittany. And you know, in the morning you have to get up you have to get dressed, you have to walk to the truck stop. You have to take your overnight bag with you. If you're lucky enough to get a shower, then you can shower. But think, if you think about it this, like most of 'em have, you know, four to six showers Right? And then 150 spots. So good luck getting a shower. And then you're gonna pay $12 to $16 for that shower just for one day, right? So you're getting ready either in the truck stop bathroom or in the truck stop shower room before you can even get your coffee. And anyone who knows me knows that I am not fit for human consumption before caffeine. So
Sadie Church:
That is no joke. I wake up at 3:30 in every morning just so I can sit for an hour without speaking to any humans.
That is hilarious.
Sadie Church:
Yeah, so that was difficult
I had a friend of mine who did that. And he went on the road for four weeks and it was recent. And he came back and then I asked that same question. He goes, I wanna go say this. I have a huge respect for wipes, a huge
Sadie Church:
Oh yeah. Yeah. I took workout wipes with me.
Yes. And he goes, Massive respect for dude wipes. So he goes, it was just, you know, kinda like, appreciate the showering, this being on the road, this kind. He goes, it's, it's, it's definitely a challenge.
Sadie Church:
It is a huge challenge. Yeah. And then during Covid, even to get your coffee, you had to wait in line to be, cuz you couldn't get fill your own coffee cup. You had to wait in line. They filled your coffee, you had to tell 'em, leave this amount for, you know, cream and sugar. And it was just, it was, it was, it was a tough time.
Were the truck stops receptive to you being there?
Sadie Church:
Oh yeah. Yeah. They were great
Because they weren't serving food at the time.
Sadie Church:
Yeah. No, they were great. And even though even the truck stops that had restaurants, like if you had a Wendy's or you know, something there, they had such limited hours we left every morning before they even opened for breakfast. And then, you know, just by the time you get back at night, you're exhausted and
Right. So,
So what lessons did you learn on that, that you've incorporated into your recruiting process now at Artur?
Sadie Church:
You know, I don't, I don't know that I necessarily learned any lessons. It just very much reaffirmed the amount of respect I have for drivers and all that they go through and all that they really, I mean all that they do for our country. Yeah. And, and truly, you know, reaffirms just how vital they are and how much we need 'em and how much we should respect what they're doing.
Yeah. What a wonderful idea. That's, that's awesome. I can't believe I didn't know anything about it. That's yeah. That's fantastic. Wow.
Sadie Church:
Thanks. Thanks.
Very impressive. And the fact that Beach was there even makes it more impressive.
Sadie Church:
Yeah, it was great. He brought me a, he brought me a, a hat.
Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>,
Sadie Church:
I still have it.
And a sticker of himself. Did he give you a sticker of himself?
Sadie Church:
I have had a couple stickers of Matt. Yeah.
<Laugh>. I, I, the, my son got a hold of a pack of the stickers that I recently got made and I didn't know this. And he went and handed them out to the majority of the seventh grade class here.
Sadie Church:
That's amazing.
<Laugh>. Yeah. Yes. So I show up at a tennis match of his, and I'm walking and I hear, Hey, Mr. Beach, Mr. Beach. I look and every one of his teammates had a head sticker in me on their water bottle.
Sadie Church:
That's awesome.
The other day I had never met this family before. They go to his school and I get this friend request on Facebook. I'm like, Oh, okay. Selected it. And she is a teacher of my son and has two twin boys that go to the school who has my face on their water bottles in one, on a computer, on a Hampton County actual computer that they use. And she's like, I just needed to know who this individual is that my son's, that it's a highly sought after sticker. And I'm like, Huh, I'll go with it. I'll go with it. Kinda creepy. Kind of creepy. I get it. But at the same time it, that, that's probably been my best marketing tool.
Sadie Church:
Yeah. I mean that I would agree with that. You are definitely, Beach is a brand for sure.
It's a brand. It's a brand. I mean, Darin, what are your thoughts?
I <laugh> we've, we've aired our grievances about this in the past.
We have.
I, you know what? I think it's a great idea. It is. It's, it's, it's fantastic and not a lot of guys can pull it off. I'm not sure you're one of 'em, but not a lot of guys can do it.
Yeah. If I had to remake that sticker again, it would look completely 20 pounds heavier. How to explain that? It's just been,
Sadie Church:
I'm still holding out for the bobblehead.
I need a bobblehead. I about that. I thought, now here's what I want. Here's, you know,
Sadie Church:
I have an idea. I have an idea.
I love it.
Sadie Church:
A beach bobblehead for the recruiter of the year.
Just one.
I'm writing it down. I'm writing it down. But here's something, here's a, I'm thinking outside the box. Sadie, you tell me what you think. How about a Beach face air freshner?
Sadie Church:
Oh, I love that. Yeah. Yep. I, I'm on board with that.
I like the bobblehead of the year though. I like it.
Sadie Church:
And I, I I did need the Beach sticker to take to the beach in Hawaii.
You, there you go. But I wonder what kind of scent would that be?
Sadie Church:
I think it has to be something earthy like dirt. Like you know, when you open like worms
Smell like bourbon and regret
Sadie Church:
For fishing, you can like how the dirt smells. I'm thinking like that.
Yeah. I, I that's got so much that, that's, that's a question for this. When, when Darin, when you post this I to, you know, when you, when you write it out up of the description, one part of the is if you had to pick a Beach scent, what would that scent be?
I could, I think we, it's bourbon and bad decisions. <Laugh>
Not, not leather, not not leather bound books or anything.
No, no. Just bad decisions. Whatever that scent is.
Bourbon and bad decisions and
Dirt. And as Sadie said, dirt. I think you should smell like dirt. <Laugh>,
Sadie Church:
I think, I think I said something earthy like dirt and worms
Yeah, dirt and worms.
We're going, we're going downhill.
You smell like bait, so how things that am I, I gotta say it right. Artur,
Sadie Church:
Artur Express. Yes.
How are things going?
Sadie Church:
Going well, going well. We're finally starting to get off the wait list so the recruiters can start recruiting a little more. And hopefully that improves morale. Trucks are have started come, new trucks are starting to come in, so we're able to open things back up.
So what is what what's your title? What, what do you do? I mean, come on.
Sadie Church:
I'm VP of Driver Relations.
Yeah. So tell me,
I announced that at the start Beach, you've gotta start paying attent, you need to take notes.
I know, but I just wanna know like the full detail. What does that mean?
Sadie Church:
Yeah. So I am over recruiting, marketing, put together our program for our retention department and overall of onboarding and orientation.
So what's a,
So what are you do in your spare time? Is that it?
Sadie Church:
Hang out with people like you guys.<laugh>,
How do you have time to talk to us knuckleheads?
<Laugh> is her now. Interesting fact. Her husband Tom, Tom Thomas, Tommy goes by
Sadie Church:
Tommy to you.
Who looks good in jorts.
This, this,
I only know about the guy right now.
He's a man crush. He's my man crush. He is, he's a man crush. And he's got handsome. Mighty fine boy, good looking. He was my, he was one of my first recruiters.
Sadie Church:
Yep. Matt. Matt gave him a, a start in the industry.
Yeah. He jumped in and just blew it outta the water. But here's what, here's a funny, and I hope Tom watches this. The one thing that I loved about, whenever I call him, you hear this in the background, he was making phone calls to kind of, he, he was fi not a fidget spinner, but he had a ukulele and he would just sit there and you'd hear Lingling <laugh> what? He goes, This is what I do. This is how I'm made. He would make a, he would just make a tremendous amount of phone calls by the same time while he is talking. You'd hear just plain to, you
Sadie Church:
Know what that, Do you know what that guitar is?
Sadie Church:
It is one that came from like Party City. It's pink plastic and it is Frozen themed. And I actually got it <laugh>, one of my old bosses used to love to give out quirky. Oh no, no, no, no. It was Hannah Montana cuz I was a rock star. That's what it was. Nice. It was a Hannah Montana and we still have it. I'll have to send you a picture. Oh yeah. But I got it. I am as an employee of the year award. You're a rock star.
Sadie Church:
So yeah. So I kept, I kept all the awards that I got cuz they were all so hilarious. Yeah. and it was in my office.
Does he still play it?
Sadie Church:
He does.
Oh good. That's the one I'm like, Don't ever give that up
Does he play it recognizably or just
Sadie Church:
No, it's not well, it's not.
No, it's horrible.
Sadie Church:
No, It it's terrible.
Yeah, it's horrible. But it's just
That it makes it better.
He just, as you're talking to him, you'll just hear <laugh>. He's like, this is how it, he goes, I gotta do this. This helps me talk. This helps me get, I'm like, Hey, I don't whatever successful. I don't care what you do. Just keep doing that. That's, that's
Whatever you gotta do to reach that person about their car warranty. You do.
So when you're not doing trucking, what else are you doing?
Sadie Church:
Working out, Hanging with the dogs. Traveling.
What's the next step?
What kinda dogs do you have?
Sadie Church:
I have two Vizslas and a German shorthair
Beautiful dogs.
Sadie Church:
They're the dogs that if I took off running, they would attack me and put me down.
Sadie Church:
No, they're too nice.
They would lick me to death. They are, they're beautiful dogs.
Sadie Church:
They're very sweet. Next trip is Mexico.
What part?
Sadie Church:
Isla Mujeres.
That's my favorite island in the world.
Sadie Church:
Is it?
Its like I feel we've talked to everybody, a lot of the, a lot of the people we've had on this are going to Mexico. I mean, what's up?
Isla is the place to go in Mexico.
Sadie Church:
It's they're building a new hotel that opens December 1st and that's the one we're staying at.
Where, on the North Beach?
Sadie Church:
I, I don't know. This will be my first time there.
Sadie Church:
Yeah. But it,
You need to go downtown and go to Morgan's.
Sadie Church:
Tell I said hi <laugh>.
Sadie Church:
Alright. And I heard there's a really great like really a historic fish taco place there. We're gonna rent a golf cart for the week and
Yeah. You need a golf cart.
Sadie Church:
It's just such an easy flight down and back, you know? We're going for our anniversary. So
How many years? You should know this Sadie.
Sadie Church:
I know. I should. I'm the worst with dates
Four. Four years.
We'll dub this out.
Four. You're forgetting after four.
Hold on. I'm texting. I'm texting Tom right now.
Sadie Church:
See what he says.
It's four. You should, you can still count it on one hand. You should definitely remember.
Sadie Church:
I know, I know. I'm the worst with dates. It's, it's bad.
So you're going to Isla after the turn of the year, then you're going to January, obviously.
Sadie Church:
Sadie Church:
February. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>
Tom says it has been six years.
Sadie Church:
It has not, not our wedding anniversary.
Just seems like six.
Seems like 80.
Yeah. You will you'll enjoy Isla Mujeres. It. my wife's been more than I have.
Sadie Church:
But yeah, I've been a couple of times. Beautiful.
Sadie Church:
Yeah, it looks beautiful. I'm excited. By then I'll be ready to get out of the cold and get to warmer weather.
Amen. It's coming. It is cold here today. It is 40 degrees right now.
I'm sweating today.
Sadie Church:
Yes. I hate, I hate hot weather. Can't stand it.
Sadie Church:
I love it.
Part of the sweat is the booze is coming out, but still.
Sadie Church:
Darin, where do you live?
I'm in eastern Iowa.
Sadie Church:
And I put on jeans this morning for the first time since March maybe. I don't know.
Do they, do they fit good?
Like a glove.
Do they?
Sadie Church:
That's always good.
I've lost weight since March.
What's the, what's the what is the I've got my top pants. I've got my top pants on.
Yeah. They're not that bad. <Laugh>.
I did, I put, I, I put on jeans today and I immediately took 'em off. It was like, nope, I'm not fighting, I'm not fighting that, that bad.
Why would you put on jeans if it's gonna be where it's gonna be 80 degrees there today?
I'm trying to be like Semiprofessional at work. And then I was like, No, I'm just going back to stretchy pants.
Sadie Church:
Smart, smart man. I'd be, I, I'd do that every day if I worked from home
Yeah. I'm not, this is, Hey, these, these guys hold me accountable, the, these, these animoves that I have in here. But I I, I'm just, I just felt bad. I mean, it's one of those, this morning I try to put my pants on. It was like, it's not happening.
Sadie Church:
It's not happening. And had to go stretchy pants. And I know that's a little bit too much for this podcast, but Hey guys,
Sadie Church:
No judgment here. No judgment
I came in this morning and had two egg and cheese biscuits. Because I was depressed. I was like, well I gotta eat.
You're depressed that your jeans didn't fit. So you had two?
I had to eat. I'm like, well, gonna do this. We'll, let's make sure that even the stretchy pants have an issue<laugh>.
I'm down with that. Sadie, what what challenges are you facing right now at Artur Express in the recruiting department?
Sadie Church:
Oh, boy. And then the, well, our, the recruiting department, the main challenge has been obviously the lack of equipment and then secondary that's just obviously really starting to be realized is we're shutting down, we used to hire for so many different regions, but because freight has softened so much that we need everyone to be willing to go OTR to, to go where the freight is. Right? To follow the freight. Even though we're 95% customer freight volumes still drop whether, you know, customers aren't gonna ship the products if they don't have their products to ship. People aren't ordering the products. You have the customers, you have the lanes, volumes are down so much that we're, we're really having to work with drivers to push them outside of their comfort zones and expand their running areas.
It's a recurring theme that we, that we've heard from our last several guests. I mean just over the course of the year where it went from lack of personnel to a lack of equipment.
Sadie Church:
Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>
In a heartbeat.
Sadie Church:
And it'll cycle back. And soon, soon enough, it'll be lack of personnel again.
Sadie Church:
Yeah. Yep. It always comes back around
Beach, do you have any last questions before we let Sadie get back to her work? She's got a lot of stuff to do.
She's got, she's the VP.
All you have to do is go eat a biscuit.
I have, I have. Yeah. I need to eat another biscuit. That's how bad I feel right now.
It's time for brunch in Chattanooga.
No, Sadie, you know how I, I love you and Tom, thank you for all this.
Sadie Church:
I love you too. Thank you.
You two are absolutely amazing. And two of my favorite people in this industry.
Sadie Church:
Well, you know we think the world
We can never thank you enough.
Sadie Church:
I appreciate it. Thank you guys so much. Thanks for having me on the show,
Sadie. Thanks for stopping by. We really do appreciate it.
Sadie Church:
Thank you Darin.
Sadie Church:
Have a good day guys.
Be safe.
Sadie Church:
You too.
Bye. Bye.